Italian Americans have played an indelible role in shaping the fabric of American society. From early exploration by Christopher Columbus, Amerigo Vespucci, and Giovanni da Verrazzano to the intellectual contributions in the writing of the American Constitution by Filippo Mazzei, the Italian American legacy is profound and far-reaching.
Columbus Citizens Foundation was founded over 75 years ago by the children of immigrants to memorialize the contributions of their Italian ancestors to the rich mosaic of America. Originally formed as the Columbus Citizens Committee in 1944, the organization purchased their permanent headquarters just off Fifth Avenue in 1967 and became the Columbus Citizens Foundation in 1982. Throughout the years, the Columbus Citizens Foundation (CCF) has disbursed over 40 million dollars in scholarships to students and grants to charitable causes. CCF also sponsors and organizes the annual Columbus Day Parade in New York City, a landmark event viewed by millions across the country online, or on Fifth Avenue. The Parade celebrates the vibrance of Italian American culture and is always led by a noteworthy and outstanding Grand Marshal of Italian heritage. CCF Members include prominent men and women of Italian heritage representing the fields of law, medicine, government, business, education, and the arts.